Lower General Liability Costs for Truck & Trailer Manufacturers

Follow our 10 step guide to save big on your insurance costs.
Are you a trailer manufacturer or truck body up-fitter who thinks product liability insurance costs too much? If so, you are not alone. We believe it costs too much as well. The good news is lowering product liability costs is very much possible.
We wrapped up our 10 part series and are making it available all at once to you. Besides the videos, we have compiled a guide of 10 different strategies that will lower product liability insurance costs. The guide is free. Complete the form and we will email you a link to each video along with our guide.
Why use our Truck and Trailer Makers 10 Steps to Lower Premiums Guide
None of this is rocket science, difficult or time-consuming. The only thing required is a commitment to working our plan and you will see costs go down. Substantially in most cases. We have saved our clients millions of dollars over the years through our proprietary process.
Trailer manufacturers and truck body up-fitters from across the country are turning to Truck and Trailer Makers for advice on risk management, insurance, employee benefits, and payroll. We are members of the National Association of Trailer Manufacturers, NTEA – The Association for the Work Truck Industry, and the North American Trailer Dealers Association.
We are committed to the industry and are here to serve you. If you have questions, please schedule a time to talk soon!